Ce mec sait comment vous remonter le moral. Il est drôle, joyeux et... un vrai joker! Cette marionnette originale faite à la main vous tiendra en bonne compagnie à tout moment!
If you’re looking for some friend with sense of humor, you’re at the right address. Red Coat Fairy marionette is such a nice guy. He loves to spread positive energy around him, and he loves to make other people happy. He doesn’t really care about ordinary things like trendy clothes, but he has unique style indeed. Red coat, comfy pants, long scarf and of course playful cap. Each piece from his outfit is carefully hand sewn. All materials used for this puppet are non toxic. Red Coat Fairy marionette is truly a lifetime toy, great decoration and also a good friend. More time you spend with your puppet, more emotions and memories you’ll get.*** Please, note that each puppet is an original piece of artwork, and it may slightly differ from teh picture above.
He is absolutely amazing quality excellent customer communication very good service thankyou so much
Impeccable. Everything is perfect, nothing to add. ️️️️️
Custom made to size, quickly delivered, well made, carefully packaged for shipping
Source des critiques: Marionettes.cz, Google, Etsy